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Dr. Rzgar A. Mahmood




The people are one of the main pillars of the formation of the state, and the people of a state are not devoid of plurality in its component, whether it is national, religious, ethnic or linguistic. Numerical plurality is not used to eliminate or marginalize the minority, because pluralism, if coexisted with the protection of the rights of persons belonging to minorities, will greatly contribute to strengthening political and social stability in the state, and this is emphasized by international covenants, as it was keen to protect minorities from the violations they are exposed to. from the civil, political, economic, social and cultural aspects because of their religious, ethnic, national and racial characteristics

Iraq is one of the countries in which there are several minorities, so the issue of ensuring the rights of minorities in Iraq is of great importance, and according to Iraq's international and internal obligations, it must be guaranteed. The contrast makes it difficult for the minority to compete with others, and thus their inability to win the elections, and as a result their lack of representation in parliaments, which has a negative impact on defending their rights.


Since parliament is considered the most important legislative institution in enacting laws and meeting the legislative and oversight needs of the people, we discussed how the constitutional legislator and electoral laws in Iraq deal with the representation of minorities in Iraqi parliaments since the establishment of the Iraqi state until 2020.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Mahmood, D. R. A. . (2023). Parliamentary Representation of Minorities in Electoral Laws in Iraq 1924-2020. Mitanni Journal of Humanitarian Sciences, 4(2), 559–568.