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Asst. Prof. Dr. Shari Kh. Maroof Mandan S. Mohamad


International rivers are no longer limited to navigational activities, but rather have a non-navigational role as a single natural and economic unit. The idea of ​​international navigation in international rivers diminished after World War II and other uses of the river appeared, which led to the emergence of a trend in international action aimed at making the river and its tributaries Its estuaries are a single water unit with a comprehensive economic nature, and it follows from that that the river water must be distributed equitably in matters other than navigation, agricultural, industrial and hydroelectric uses of this water in order to achieve the greatest benefit from that natural wealth, and in our world where conflicts are intense and competition over resources is governed. Water occupies a vital and sensitive position at the heart of states’ policies and plans for the management and independence of their resources, not only in the economic, demographic, technical or technical aspects, but rather within the broad and comprehensive framework of the current and future geopolitical goals of this or that state, especially since the waters of rivers often pass through The lands of several countries differ in the nature of their systems and objectives, as well as their needs and ambitions, which makes the movement and flow of water, which is the lifeblood, a subject for negotiation or crises. Therefore, regional and international bodies and organizations sought to create appropriate legal environments, to show the natural rights of societies and people, especially water, as a need As essential as airو In this research, we will study the most important objective and procedural principles regulating the use of international rivers, through two axes.

Keywords: prior notification, watercourses, substantive principles, procedural principles, utilization, fair use.









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Maroof, A. P. D. S. K. ., & Mohamad, M. S. . (2023). Principles governing the use of international rivers. Mitanni Journal of Humanitarian Sciences, 4(2), 795–807.