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Abstract :

In the current era, the role of the media is no longer limited to covering and publishing events, but has become an active part of the scene and events through the media and social media.

Easy access to news and first-hand information has deprived contemporary viewers and listeners of enjoying moments away from the news and scenes of the tragic events of war, murder, destruction, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, displacement caused by war, hunger, epidemics, mass deaths, suicides, sexual assaults and looting.

Most people who are constantly exposed to this media violence, watching and hearing these incidents daily, their psychological and physical health is affected by media violence to the point of fear, isolation, despair and symptoms of post-traumatic stress appear in some viewers.

This study is based on previous research and theories in this field. By distributing survey forms and collecting data from a sample of 312 students from universities in the Kurdistan Region، he tried to scientifically identify the effects of media violence on the psychology of university students. The research has reached many theoretical and practical results، the most important of them are:

  1. There is a lot of violence in the media. It establishes a belief and insight into the minds of its viewers and listeners who believe that violence and aggression are a real part of their lives.

  2. Nearly half of university students in the KRG themselves, or their relatives and friends participate in simulating the behavior and discourse of media violence in their real lives.

  • The majority of students at KRG universities agree that censorship should minimize the effects of media violence.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

QARADAKHY ِ. P. D. B. H. . (2023). The effect of media violence on the psychology of university students in the Kurdistan Region. Mitanni Journal of Humanitarian Sciences, 4(2), 837–855.