The Role of the Powers of the Audit Committees According to the Corporate Governance Framework of Banks in Enhancing Internal Auditing

An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Auditors and Stakeholders in Iraqi Private Banks In the Kurdistan Region / Iraq


  • Omar K. Omar Department of Accounting, Faculties of Social Sciences and Humanities, Koya University, Koya, Kurdistan, Iraq.
  • Basema F. Al-Niemi Department of Accounting, Faculties of Social Sciences and Humanities, Koya University, Koya, Kurdistan, Iraq.



Audit Committees, Internal Audit, Auditors.


The study aims to diagnose the nature of the relationship and the influence of the powers of the audit committees according to the framework of institutional governance of banks and to strengthen internal auditing. Banks, including (64) auditors and (49) concerned in banks as a sample for the study, and in order to collect the data and information required for the study, a questionnaire was designed as a main tool in data collection, and the sub-dimensions of the variables were included within (26) paragraphs included in the questionnaire based on many Scientific sources that discussed the contents of the current study. The field investigation was in harmony with the objectives, questions and hypotheses of the study, which proved the existence of relationships between the variables studied. The study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are: The results of the detail that resulted in the testing of correlation and impact relationships confirm that the alignment and powers of audit committees in accordance with the framework of institutional governance of banks contribute to supporting the orientations of the surveyed banks in strengthening internal audit practices. In the light of the conclusions reached by the study, a number of recommendations were presented, the most important of which is related to the necessity of timing decisions regarding the adoption of the powers of the audit committees in accordance with the institutional governance framework of banks and according to the data of the integration of the capabilities of banks on the one hand and those concerned with applying and exercising the powers on the other hand in order to achieve the required and desired results in Framework for enhancing internal audit practices in the surveyed organizations.


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How to Cite

عمر ع. ك. ., & أ.د. باسمة فالح النعيمي. (2023). The Role of the Powers of the Audit Committees According to the Corporate Governance Framework of Banks in Enhancing Internal Auditing : An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Auditors and Stakeholders in Iraqi Private Banks In the Kurdistan Region / Iraq. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 765-778.



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