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FaKhir H. Khano Asst.Prof.Dr. Sadiq H. Ghareb



Today, the public relations science plays a fundamental part in social, economic and political life. To achieve their goals, It is an exclusive need for  all organizations whether local, international, political, commercial or even technological companies, to adjust themselves with the environment around through public relations.

If public relations is important for the economy, business and promotion, it is more important for political parties and organizations, so that public relations in political organizations and parties have a crucial role in supporting their institutions and taking advantage of opportunities for their development and sustainability.

The importance of role of public relations in political organizations during the existence of divisions, problems, crises and conflicts is more important. Wherever there is a crisis in a country or region or between political parties, public relations institutions must engage in dealing with the crisis through taking appropriate measures to communicate with the public and use all internal and external communication tools in their political institutions to deal with the public opinion and  decision makers to ease the situation and create a positive atmosphere to restore the reputation of political institutions, as well as create a calm political environment and try to restore the pre-crisis situation.

In this study, the researcher has tried to show the importance and role of public relations of six political parties (Gorran Movement, Kurdistan Islamic Union, Kurdistan Justice Society, Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Kurdistan Democratic Party, and Kurdistan Communist Party) during political crises in the Kurdistan Region, which have been constantly controversial. The researcher has tried to present the factors which triggered the political crisis in the Kurdistan Region and present the consequences and possibilities of its resurgence.

1- The researcher has tried to reveal that the political crisis in the Kurdistan Region will continue due to the lack of constitutional institutions.

2- The researcher has tried to show the availability of capabilities of the public relations bureaus of the six Kurdistan parties, to help political parties through public relations to prevent crises and their occurrence, containment and resolve their effects when they occur.

3- The study shows the role of public relations in spreading awareness among the masses inside and outside the political parties through the use of public relations organs and their representation in public meetings, publications, audio and visual media as well as social networks. The study proved that political crises require quick public relations intervention to contain them

4- At the same time, the researcher has revealed that there is no clear plan for public relations in the political parties in the event of repeat of political crisis in the Kurdistan Region, especially the crisis of the presidency of the Kurdistan Region.

  1. 5. The study showed that the task of public relations does not end with the end of crises, but must be constantly ready to assess crises, which is a measure of success of public relations in crisis management. The study proved that public relations determines the material and human capabilities needed to deal with crises before, during and after they occur, which is essential to prevent crises from occurring, and to limit and stop them develop.

  2. 6. There should be a necessary budget for public relations that will help in formulating plans and programs, achieving its goals and deal with possible crises and political crises in the Kurdistan Region.

  3. 7. The study proved that the crisis management process requires the provision of an integrated team, which will be assigned a task to end the crisis. The form of this team varies according to the type of crisis and how to treat the crisis. Moreover, for managing the crises, the team needs coordination with the organs of the six political parties in the Kurdistan Region in public relations.



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Research Articles

How to Cite

Khano, F. H. ., & Ghareb, A. S. H. . (2023). The Role of Public Relations in Resolving Political Crisis in the Kurdistan Region : (the Crisis of the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region as an example). Mitanni Journal of Humanitarian Sciences, 4(2), 569–583.