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Ahmed M. Abdullah


The title of the paper is (Kurdhood and Nationalism to the poet Dildar). The factor behind choosing this title refers to the impact of being Kurd an nationalism upon Dldar. Also refers to revocation of the idea of the death of poems literary when the poet removes the word from the fiction ، feeling which is the features of some his poems .It seems carrying political aspect ، and is return to the cultural background and postmodernism nationalism ideas which has impact upon the poet. This leads the poet to search for (Asaf)poets older brothers question is what a poet is، it is the question about being Kurd . This was the first step of growing of being Kurd and nationalism. The paper is divided into three chapters .Chapter one is about pots  biography and his work in political groups . Chapter two is devoted for the definition of nationalism and Kurdish nationalism ، its history and the effect of these national movements . Chapter three is about the impose of feeling of being Kurd by force upon the society . One aspect is about the psych sociological analysis of Dldars personality . After that the conclusion and list of bibliography are shown.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Abdullah, A. M. (2021). Kurdhood and Nationalism to the poet Dildar. Mitanni Journal of Humanitarian Sciences, 2(1), 1–7.

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