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Shakir R. Ahmed Kaifee P. Omer


This research is a comparative study of political history between the two ancient Arab emirates. Ghassanids in the north and Ma'in in the south of the Arab peninsula, and the purpose of this research is to show the differences In terms of political and external relations between the two emirates and finding the reasons for the differences, the difference between the political situation in the north and south of the Arabian peninsula has produced different events. Therefore, as we can observe that these two emirates were differed from the how they were created until how they were collapsed in a part of their political side, at the same time they had a role played in their geographical, their existence of superpower in northern and their absences in south. There were common points between them at the time, because the two emirates were of the same origin and gender, and the north was the same, but they emigrated to the north, adapting themselves over time and mixing with the civilization of the area.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, S. R., & Omer, K. P. . (2022). The Political Situation Between the Ancient Arab Emirates in the North and South of the Arabian Peninsula is a Comparative Study Between the Emirates of (Ma’in, Ghassanids,) for example. Mitanni Journal of Humanitarian Sciences, 3(2), 143–154.