Psychological Well-being among the Gifted Students and its Relation to Some Variables


  • Prof. Dr. Fawqiya H. Abdulhamed Faculty of Education - Zagazig University - Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Prof. Dr. Mouyad E. Jarjes College of Education - Saladin University - Erbil - Kurdistan Region - Iraq
  • Hanefa H. Yousif College of Education - Saladin University - Erbil - Kurdistan Region - Iraq



        The current research aimed at identifying the levels and dimensions of psychological well-being among the Gifted students in the governorates of (Erbil, Sulaymaniyah, and Dohuk) in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, and knowing the differences in the levels of psychological well-being attributed to gender (males, females) and the conservation. The research sample consisted of (233) male and female students from Gifted schools, i.e., (127) male students and (112) female students, and the psychological well-being scale (researchers preparation) was applied to the research sample after verifying its sincerity and stability. This paper witnessed using descriptive approach to verify the objectives of the research. The results showed that the Gifted students are distinguished by a high level of psychological well-being. Likewise, the results displayed that there were no statistically differences between males and females in the level of psychological well-being and dimensions. Meanwhile, the results showed that there were statistically differences in favor of Gifted students in Sulaymaniyah Governorate in the first place and in interest of Gifted students in Erbil Governorate in the second rank. Accordingly, this study arrived at a number of conclusions and introduced a number of recommendations and suggestions.

Keywords: Psychological Well-being, Gifted Students, Dimensions of Psychological Well-being, , Conservation



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How to Cite

أ.د.فوقية حسن عبدالحميد رضوان, أ.د.مؤيد إسماعيل جرجيس, & حنيفة حسن يوسف. (2023). Psychological Well-being among the Gifted Students and its Relation to Some Variables. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 808-821.



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