Expiration of theEexecution of the Penal Judgment


  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Yousif M. Rasul Department of Media Techniques, Erbil Technical Administrative College, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Iraq
  • Zeinab M. Farag Law Department, Knowledge University, Erbil, Iraq




penal judgment, execution, statute of limitations, conditional release, stay of execution


One of the most important requirements of justice is to protect society from crime and the criminal, and through this there must be binding procedures and rules that organize these procedures, and define their procedural path in practical implementation, and what increases the importance of these procedures is that they are in direct and permanent contact with the rights and freedoms of people, as well as The fact that these procedures determine the powers of the jurisdiction of the judiciary and regulate its work, and also, that these procedures regulate the methods of appealing the decisions and judgments issued in the roles of investigation and trial. While the law outlines in its texts how to initiate the criminal case, the stages of the investigation and its origins, the procedures taken by the investigative judges, the referral to the courts and their types, the assignment of lawyers to defend the accused, the methods of appeal, the trial in person and in absentia, the judgment and its causes and everything that would contribute to the criminal case, but the issue of " The expiry of the criminal case,” or the “suspension of legal procedures” are questionable.


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How to Cite

رسول أ. م. د. ي. م., & فرج ز. م. . . (2022). Expiration of theEexecution of the Penal Judgment. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(2), 40-47. https://doi.org/10.25156/ptjhss.v3n2y2022.pp40-47



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