Max Weber and the analysis of the concept of society


  • Abed Zekri
  • Asst.Prof.Dr. Murad H. Muhammad Department of Sociology / College of Arts / Salahaddin University - Erbil
  • Asst.Prof. Dr. Shahlaa W. Jabbar Department of Sociology / College of Arts / Salahaddin University - Erbil



Society, Social Action, Religion.



Max Weber is considered one of the most important classical sociologists who played an important role in the development of contemporary sociology and moral and political thought. Although Weber, like Marx, criticizes the modern capitalist system, he prefers the gradual change of society over the radical and revolutionary change. The distribution of power in society is the basis of social conflict. Max Weber believes that every society goes through three successive stages: charismatic, traditional and rational. Weber believes that the history of all societies must necessarily pass through certain stages in order to reveal the unique essence and spirit of each society as a historical identity.. From the results of the study: Weber emphasizes the individual, so he considers individual behavior as a basic unit. He believes that three traditional, emotional and value actions in today's world move towards rational action. Weber sees religion as a hope for solving problems and a meaningful response to a meaningless world. As for power, Weber believes that the principle of power has deep roots other than the economic issues that exist in power (charismatic, traditional and rational). With regard to social classes, Weber believes that class struggles occur between generations of the same class for power.

Keywords: Society, Social Action, Religion.


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How to Cite

عابد زکری, محمد پ. ح. ., & جبار پ. و. . (2023). Max Weber and the analysis of the concept of society. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 617-625.



Research Articles