Standardas Identification of Candidates by Political parties


  • Dr. Aram N. Abdulghafoor Department Of Legal Administration , College of Administration and Economic, Lebanese French University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq .
  • Hawar M. Yousif Department Of Legal Administration , College of Administration and Economic, Lebanese French University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq .



Candidates, mechanisms, political parties, elections.



The issue of determining the candidate by political parties is one of the most important and sensitive issues related to the electoral process, but the parties did not pay much attention to this issue before, except that they took into account the conditions contained in the relevant implemented laws and instructions related to the nomination process, so political parties have not yet established a distinct system It is modern in the Kurdistan Region for parties to rely on to select their candidate according to this system and to benefit from it in winning the votes of voters on the one hand and have a positive impact on the legislative institution in terms of membership on the other hand. To achieve this purpose, parties must rely on a set of other criteria outside of legal conditions. parties must work to raise the level of voter culture in order to vote according to modern standards and to enable the voter to evaluate the candidate and support those who are able to serve the citizens and the region by gaining their trust. Therefore, the political parties in general in the region should carefully review the procedures of the nomination process in order to reach a solution to all the problems they face during the nomination and election stages


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How to Cite

عبدالغفور د. ئ. ن. ا. ., & يوسف ه. م. . (2023). Standardas Identification of Candidates by Political parties . Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 458-474.



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