Kurdish Political Discourse Strategies


  • Hawzhin O. Mohammed Department of Media, College of Arts, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region - Iraq




Discourse strategies. Discourse authority. Kurdish political discourse. Linguistic and non-linguistic styles. speech


Discourse strategies are among the important matters in constructing, studying and analyzing discourses, as they are linked to the linguistic and non-linguistic methods that the sender uses in making the discourse, and to devote his authority through these methods, in order to achieve certain goals. The importance of the rhetorical strategy in the field of political discourse is embodied more than in other discursive fields, because of its clear and declared relationships with political and ideological references, and with the mental-intellectual processes that the goal holder performs to achieve his goals. By studying these strategies, the researcher will be able to monitor the political trends of the political forces, especially the ruling authority, and provide an organized description of the political discourse, and a number of other issues. Our study, tagged (Strategies of Kurdish political discourse - the swearing-in speech of the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government as a model-) dealt with this topic by analyzing the study material scientifically, according to the discourse analysis method, for the study sample consisting of the speech of the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq, Masrour Barzani, which he delivered on the day he was performed. Sworn in before members of the Kurdistan Parliament on July 11, 2019. Through this study, it was found that the discourse maker Masrour Barzani relied in his discourse strategies on a set of linguistic and non-linguistic methods, and that the factors affecting the building of his personality were present in drawing these strategies, and that the discourse’s style and complexity were consistent with his stereotyped image of the public, its political realism and its ideological firmness. His speech is also a contribution to the decision-making process in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, and the initiation of important political and administrative issues. It also appeared that the Kurdish political discourse is primarily a discourse of authority, dominated by a national character, but it is open to other discourses, and that the Kurdish ruling authority and the national issue are among the most influential factors in it. The research presented a set of scientific recommendations, in light of the results that emerged from them; The necessity of paying attention to discourse strategies by those in charge of the Kurdish political discourse, and the necessity of interest of language, political and social researchers in the Kurdish political discourse, based on the discourse analysis approach.


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How to Cite

هاوژين عمر محمد ه. ع. م. (2022). Kurdish Political Discourse Strategies. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(2), 100-111. https://doi.org/10.25156/ptjhss.v3n2y2022.pp100-111



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