The Effectiveness of a Cognitive-behavioral Therapeutic Program to Raise the Level of Quality of Life for Syrian Refugee Women


  • Nawzad. I. Hussein College of Education - Department of Educational and Psychological Counseling/ Salahaddin University – Erbil
  • Prof.Dr. Moaid I. jarjis College of Education - Department of Educational and Psychological Counseling/ Salahaddin University – Erbil



Cognitive behavioral counseling programme, quality of life, Syrian refugee women.


The current research aims to prepare a scale of  quality of life and design an experimental cognitive behavioral counseling program to increase the level of quality of life among Syrian refugee women. The research sample consisted of (30) Syrian refugee women in the Qashtaba camp-Erbil, participants were randomly distributed to an experimental group (n = 15) and a control group (n = 15), both groups were balanced in the case of (Quality of life measure, age, educational attainment, economic and marital status). The researchers adopted the cognitive-behavioral theory of (Aaron Beck and Albert Ellis) to build the Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling Program. The program comprised (16) counseling sessions, two sessions per week, and the duration of each session was (60) minutes. The psychometric characteristics of the scale were completed. The research aimed to achieve hypotheses, and the result indicates that the value is (0.50) through (McGugian), which is acceptable, and demonstrates that the program has effectiveness. Furthermore, there are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the control and experimental groups for the post-test of the quality of life scale, in favor of the experimental group at the signicance level of significance (0.05). The researchers presented some recommendations and suggestions.



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How to Cite

حسين ن. ا. ., & جرجيس ا. م. ا. . (2023). The Effectiveness of a Cognitive-behavioral Therapeutic Program to Raise the Level of Quality of Life for Syrian Refugee Women. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 446-464.



Research Articles