Diagnosis of the Dimensions of the Quality of Tourism Services and their Impact on Customer Satisfaction

(Survey of a Sample of Tourists in the City)


  • Serwan L. Haji Department of Business Management Techniques, Erbil Technical Administrative College, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Iraq
  • Drman S. Sadq Department of Business Administration - Dohuk University
  • Rizgar S. Hussein Department of Business Administration - University of Soran
  • Arshad H. Siddiq Department of Accounting Techniques, Erbil Technical Administrative College, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Iraq




Quality of tourism service, customer satisfaction, tourism marketing


The primary objective to address this issue is to provde a theoretical framework wich identifies and defines the various concepts related to the quality of tourist services in terms of indicators and models and measured in addition to addressing measuring customer satisfaction to know drawer customer satisfaction for tourist services offered by tourism organaizations in the city of Soran in order to find sufficient to improve the quality of tourism services, methods, and around us in the field study determines the impact of the quality of toueiism services  through its dimensions president and of (the physical elements of the tangible, reliability, responsiveness, empathy, trust assertion), customer satisfaction, which consisted dimensions (understanding the needs of the customer, nutrition reverse, continuous measurement of customer satisfaction), where the study to determine the extent of the problem of the existence of these dimensions in the area surveyed to measure customer satisfaction in order to upgrade the quality of tourism service in the study area.
and  objective study also mainly to diagnose the actual Rating Tourism Services in Soran area and from the standpoint of customers and due to the importance of this evaluation and reflection on customer satisfaction, which may support the process of tourist attractions through the development and improvement of tourist services provided.
in order to access the achievement of objectives of the study were selected Soran City as an area fertile for the application of the study changes in the fact that the region is an important location for the tourist attraction as well as it is a good area to test the variables of the study, and has been questionnaire design includes a measure of the quality of tourism services as well as the measurement of customer satisfaction was distribution of the questionnaire on the number of tourists in the region and the rate of (150) form and random manner and the namber of forms recovered has reached (125) form and the number of valid questionnaires for analysis (94) form and after unloading the results of the questionnaire and analyze the statistical software (SPSS_Vr_17 ) shows and through the study to to evaluate the customers og the quality of tourism services through indicators assessment that indicators or standards exist and are available, but not the level of the ambitious,and the quality of service is working to achieve customer satisgaction and the study concludede with a number of conclusions and proposals .


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How to Cite

حاجى س. ل., صادق د. س. . . . . . . ., حسين ر. س., & صديق أ. ح. (2021). Diagnosis of the Dimensions of the Quality of Tourism Services and their Impact on Customer Satisfaction: (Survey of a Sample of Tourists in the City). Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), 123-135. https://doi.org/10.25156/ptjhss.v2n1y2021.pp123-135



Research Articles