The Role of Lean Marketing in the Quality of Communication Service


  • Kazm O. Taha Department of Administration, College of Administration and Economics, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq
  • Sami S. Abdulla Department of Administration, College of Administration and Economics, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq


AgileMarketing,CommunicationsServiceQuality,Cork Communications




The aim of the research is to find a relationship of marketing agile and quality communication service by focusing on four dimensions of agile marketing (reducing events, reducing waiting time, reducing cost, stimulating untapped talent) and also focusing on four dimensions of quality services for communications (reliability, response, empathy, safety and concrete) from the point of view of the employees of Cork Telecommunications company in Erbil city. The general framework for research represents the research problem, which has raised several questions about the nature of the relationship, the impact and the contrast between the independent variable (agile marketing) and the approved change (quality of communication service), The current research community represented all 250 employees of Cork Telecommunications, Erbil, and a questionnaire form was designed as a data collection tool, distributed to the employees of (50) questionnaires and the number of valid forms for analysis (48) of the questionnaire. Several tests were conducted before and after the distribution of the resolution form to verify the sincerity, stability and reliability of the questionnaire and to ensure its validity in measuring search variables such as virtual honesty and stability (Alpha Kronbach coefficient). Using statistical methods through software (SPSS,V.22), the research adopted the analytical descriptive approach, and the research reached a set of key conclusions, including the results of the association analysis revealed a wide range of positive moral correlations between agile marketing and the quality of communication service at the kidney and micro level. The results of the description of the characteristics of the respondents showed that the majority of employees of the research company are male and young age group and the majority of them have bachelor's degree holders and have experience in the field of communications to perform their careers.



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How to Cite

طه ك. ع. . ., & عبدالله س. ص. . (2023). The Role of Lean Marketing in the Quality of Communication Service. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 442-457. Retrieved from



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