The Role of Marketing Communications in Making Purchasing Decisions


  • Dr. Mohsin O. Hasan Department of Administration, College of Administration and Economics, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq
  • Xan Sh. Saeed Department of Administration, College of Administration and Economics, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq



Marketing Communications, Making Purchase Decisions, Korek Communications Company



Objective: The current study aimed to analyze the relationship of marketing communications in making purchase decisions for Korek by focusing on four dimensions of marketing communications (public relations, oral conversation, direct marketing, the Internet). The relationship  impact and variance between the independent variable (marketing communications) and the dependent variable (purchasing decisions), and for that a hypothetical, scheme was designed for the study, expressing a set of main hypotheses, In order to verify the validity of the hypotheses, all of them were subjected to multiple tests, and the study used a questionnaire as a means to obtain data. Erbil, numbering (162) workers. The hypotheses were tested through the application of statistical methods using the computer program (SPSS V.22). The study reached a set of main conclusions, including the results of the correlation analysis revealed the existence of a large group of positive moral correlations between marketing communications and making purchase decisions at the macro and micro levels, The results of the tests that were conducted on the questionnaire before distribution showed that it fulfilled the conditions of apparent honesty, comprehensiveness and stability, and this is an indication of the possibility of relying on the results of the data that were obtained through the use of the questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire tests after its distribution confirmed the existence of high consistency between the variables, and the study data followed the normal distribution, independence and homogeneity of variance, and these data confirm the possibility of generalizing the results to the company under study. The results of the description of the characteristics of the respondents showed that the majority of the managers in the company under study are males, of the young age group, and the majority of them hold a bachelor's degree and have experience in the field of communications to perform their job duties.


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How to Cite

حسن د. ع. ., & سعيد خ. ش. . (2023). The Role of Marketing Communications in Making Purchasing Decisions. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 430-441.



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