Decision-Making Ability of Kindergarten Managers in Sulaimani


  • Alan O. Qadir Department of Kindergarten, College of Primary Education, Sulaimani University, Iraqi Kurdistan Region
  • Nian N. Sabir Department of Kindergarten, College of Primary Education, Sulaimani University, Iraqi Kurdistan Region



Decision Making Skills, Kindergarten Managers, Sulaimani


The aim of this study is to know the level of decision making by kindergarten managers at Sulaimani Province in general as well as the level of their decision making skills as per the changing variables like: a.gender, b- the education directorate of east and west c.kind of kindergarten (private or public)d.certificate (diploma or BA)e.Service year.

To achieve these goals, the researcher used descriptive approach since it suits the objective and nature of the study. The sample of the study comprises of all the kindergartens for the academic year (2022-2023). The number of the managers consists of (81) but the sample is (66) managers both males and females who have been chosen randomly. The tool of the study is survey for the decision making variable which consists of (39) items by benefiting previous studies. The researcher has prepared the tool, the most important statistical analysis tools are coefficient correlation, Pearson coefficient correlation, T-test and ANOVA. After validating the tools, the survey distributed among the sample population comprised of (66) managers among the kindergartens. To get the required results, SPSS statistical tool has been applied and the following conclusions have been drawn: The level of decision making skills is high; The lack of decisive evidence of statistical difference between males and females; The presence of differential evidence at the level of decision making of the kindergarten managers in the variables of education (east and west) since it is high in east education directorate ; The lack of differential evidence on decision making of the kindergarten managers as per the variable of kindergarten (public and privat); The lack of statistical evidence at the level of decision making on part of kindergarten managers holding Diploma and BA degrees; The lack of statistical evidence measures on the level of decision making of kindergarten mangers as per the service year variable .


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How to Cite

قادر ئ. ع., & صابر ن. ن. . . (2023). Decision-Making Ability of Kindergarten Managers in Sulaimani. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 919-933.



Research Articles