Social Skills of Department Heads and their Role in the Development of Faculty Members:

A Fieldwork Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Faculty Members at Erbil Polytechnic University.


  • Aso W. Mohammed Department of Information and Library, Erbil Technical Administrative Institute, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Iraq



social skills, department heads, development, performance, faculty members


The study shows the significant of the social skill's department heads and their role in development of faculty members. Also, the most important they aware of the role of head departments and the most crucial attributes that must be displayed as well as they hold the position of chief administrative officer at the organization where they work. The problem of the study covers the question (What is the relationship between the interpersonal skills possessed by head departments and the process of developing the performance of faculty members at Erbil Technical University.Objectives of the Study:1- Identifying the social skills available to head department within the researched university? 2- Identifying the role of department heads’ social skills in developing the performance of faculty members at the researched university? 3- Identifying the statistically significant differences in the opinions of the respondents at Erbil Technical University (the research community) about the study axes? The study population and its sample consist of (114) faculty members at Erbil Technical University who hold master’s and doctorate degrees with various scientific titles. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method, and he also used the questionnaire as a tool for data collection. The researcher achieved a set of results:  1-Social skills of leaders department have impacted on the development of performance of faculty members at the university under study. 2-Social skills are significant issues due to their role enhancing the performance of faculty members in the educational sectors and activating the spirit of cooperation and collective participation in work. 3-The results of the study showed that the development of the performance of faculty members depends on the effectiveness of the social skills of department heads. Important Recommendations: 1-Conducting adequate studies on the role of interpersonal skills of leaders department  in developing performance within the work environment. 2- Selection and training of department heads who have a large number of different soft skills, and help in the quality of performance of faculty members within the work environment. 3 - Holding regular scientific symposiums to improve department heads' capacity to learn social skills in the workplace.


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How to Cite

محمد ا. و. . (2022). Social Skills of Department Heads and their Role in the Development of Faculty Members: : A Fieldwork Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Faculty Members at Erbil Polytechnic University. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(2), 122-138.



Research Articles