The Role of Social Responsibility in Enhancing Job Commitment

An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Employees in Government Banks in the City of Koya


  • Kawa M. Faraj Department of Business Administration, College of Administration and Economics, University of Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Dalia Kh. Faeq Department of Administration and Accounting, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Koya University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Bestoon A. Othman Department of Business Administration, Koya Technical Institute, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Iraq
  • Zana M. Sadq Department of Administration and Accounting, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Koya University, Koya KOY45, Kurdistan Region – F.R. Iraq, and Visiting Lecturer at Department of Legal Administration, Collage of Administration and Economics, Lebanese French University, Kurdistan Region – F.R. Iraq
  • Bayad J. Ali Department of Business Administration, Kumar University of Science and Technology, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



corporate social responsiblity, job commitment, banks , Koya / Erbil, Kurdistan region , Iraq


The purpose of the current study is to analyse the role of  corporate social responsibility and its dimensions ( economical, social, ethical , and philanotrophical) on employee commitment   banks in Koya in the city of  Erbil in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. In order to achieve the objectives the questionnaire was used as a basic tool for collecting data and information. (180) questionnaires were distributed to employees in the surveyed banks, 138 were returned, 130 of which were valid for analysis. The most prominent being the existence of a positive correlation and a significant effect of the independent variable (corporate social responsiblity) in the dependent variable ( employee commitment ). Based on the conclusions, the study reached a number of recommendations. Most important of which is the need for banks to adopt the concept of  corporate social responsiblity in thought and practice and to include it in the curriculum of the training courses for senior leaders so that many of them can identify the philosophy of applied and requires the management of  banks investigated increase the level of attention to positive internal ethical standards and values Towards the achievement of job commitment  and taking all the ways to prevent its achievement and work on its development and make it the cornerstone, which can contribute to a positive change in performance.


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How to Cite

فرج ك. م., فائق د. خ. . ., عوسمان ب. ع., صادق ز. م., & علي ب. ج. (2021). The Role of Social Responsibility in Enhancing Job Commitment: An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Employees in Government Banks in the City of Koya. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), 102-111.



Research Articles