Methodological principles of content analysis and its application in sociology


  • Asst.Prof.Dr. Hataw K. Khudhr Department of International Marketing and Language, Erbil Polytechnic College of Management, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Othman B. Hamad Department of Sociology, College of Arts, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Method, Content Analysis Method, Text, Sociology


Method is the most important principle of scientific research. The main objective of this research is to be familiar with the content of analysis method and its application in sociology. showing the characteristics and scopes of use, and also knowing the type of this method, which is a quality or quantity?. This research is an analytical descriptive qualitative study. To achieve the objectives, the researchers used the analytical descriptive method. As a result, the researchers concluded that; Content analysis is one of the most important research techniques in the social sciences, and sociology as one of these sciences has benefited from it, and it’s used by Sociology researchers. The method is a systematic analysis of the text. Texts in any (books, journals, letters, meetings, television programs, transcripts of interviews field notes and films). There are two directions regarding this type of method. One of them regards it as a quantitative method because it describes quantitatively and uses the language of numbers. Another direction believes that The content analysis method is qualitative because it analyzes texts and their relationship within the context of texts, based on questions. Finally, the researchers have made several recommendations: Kurdish researchers should pay more attention to this method and introduce it to students in universities along with other methods. And doing more researches on this method and using new researches by this method.

Keywords: Method, Content Analysis Method, Text, Sociology




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لیستی سەرچاوەکان

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How to Cite

پ. ی. د. هەتاو کریم خدر, & عثمان برايم حمد. (2023). Methodological principles of content analysis and its application in sociology. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 881-889.



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