Establishment and objectives of ZECAF


  • Hogar B. Sharif Salahaddin University, College of Literature, Department of History



ZEKAF, Kurdistan, Iran, World War II, Qazi Mohammad.


The establishment of the ZEKAF in East Kurdistan is considered an important stage in the history of the national struggle in that region. It later influenced the Kurdish liberation movement in other parts of Kurdistan.
Although World War II was a devastating civil war for the nations of the world, the war situation in Iran provided an opportunity for the Kurdish people to breathe freely and openly carry out political struggle for their political rights their nationalities. The establishment of the ZEKAF can be considered as the first steps in the establishment of the Kurdistan Republic in Mahabad, because it was this association and its beliefs that later became the basis for the establishment of the Democratic Party and the Kurdistan Republic.
Therefore, conducting any research in this regard has its own special importance in terms of history, because it is a study of an important stage in the history of the Kurdish people's political struggle. The research consists of four main topics. The first topic focuses on the circumstances and reasons for the establishment of ZEKAF. In this regard, it tries to explain the situation in East Kurdistan on the eve of World War II and the factors that led to the formation of the group. The second topic is devoted to the establishment of ZECAF and its objectives. The third topic is devoted to the work, activities and publications of the association. The fourth and final topic is devoted to the relations of ZECAF and the dissolution of the association.

Keywords: ZEKAF, Kurdistan, Iran, World War II, Qazi Mohammad.


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How to Cite

Sharif , H. B. . (2023). Establishment and objectives of ZECAF. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 890-898.



Research Articles