Mechanisms of Tax Collection in Light of the Financial Crisis in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq for the years 2015-2019

A Case Study of the General Directorate of Taxes and Government Real Estate in Erbil Governorate


  • Amer A. Majeed Department of Accounting Technologies, Administration Technical College, Erbil Polytechnic University, Kurdistan, Iraq
  • Nawzad M. Hamawandy Department of Accounting Technologies, Administration Technical College, Erbil Polytechnic University, Kurdistan, Iraq
  • Freya A. Abdul Karim Department of Accounting Technologies, Administration Technical College, Erbil Polytechnic University, Kurdistan, Iraq



City of Erbil, financial crisis, tax awareness, tax collection, Erbil, financial crisis, tax awareness, tax collection


The study aims to identify the collection system and the mechanism of collecting it in light of the financial crisis, as well as to identify the extent of the obligation of taxpayers to pay taxes in the Kurdistan Region during the years of study, and the problem of the study comes about the presence of obstacles in the process of tax collection, by not submitting periodic statements and paying the required tax And the lack of information related to the taxpayer's income in the tax declaration and its lack of inclusion, in addition to the ignorance of the taxpayers of the tax laws in light of the existence of the financial crisis, as well as the failure of the tax department to follow up the work of the taxpayers. The research reached a set of results, including the instability of the economic situation in the Kurdistan Region during the period of the study that negatively affected the tax collection process, and thus led to the inability of the taxpayer to pay the tax, and the conclusion of the research reached the presentation of a number of proposals that emphasize the encouragement of taxpayers to Submit tax returns and periodic statements on time according to the law, in order to ensure that the tax debt is collected on time to avoid the risk of non-collection, as well as drafting clear and explicit laws and legislations because laws determine the success or failure of the tax collection mechanism.


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How to Cite

Majeed, A. A. . ., Hamawandy, N. M., & Abdul Karim, F. A. . (2020). Mechanisms of Tax Collection in Light of the Financial Crisis in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq for the years 2015-2019 : A Case Study of the General Directorate of Taxes and Government Real Estate in Erbil Governorate. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(2), 22-31.



Research Articles