Analysis of the Impact of the Financial Crisis on the Prices of Computers and their Accessories:

An Applied Study of a Sample of Shops and Companies Operating in the City of Erbil for the Year 2017


  • Amer A. Majid Department of Business Management Techniques, Erbil Technical Administrative College, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Iraq
  • Sardar O. Badawahy College of Administration and Economics, Salahaddin University-Erbil
  • Ahmed H. Battal College of Administration and Economics, University of Anbar



The financial crisis, the prices of computers and their accessories, the city of Erbil


The study aims to measure the impact of the financial crisis on the prices of computers and their accessories in the city of Erbil and to show the negative effects of the financial crisis, and then provide the necessary solutions to get out of it. The research has reached a set of results, including that the impact of the financial crisis on the prices of computers and their accessories is declining, and thus negatively affected the activities of these stores and companies working in the field of information technology trade. The research concluded by presenting a number of proposals that emphasize the need to address the financial crisis, including the abolition of the compulsory savings system, because an illegal step contradicts the Iraqi federal constitution, and to increase transparency in all ministries of the Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq, especially in the Ministry of Natural Wealth, And the multiplicity of outlets for importing computers and their accessories in the Kurdistan Region, and ending its monopoly by a number of companies owned by a number of influential officials in the region.


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How to Cite

مجيد ع. ع., باداوةيى س. ع., & بتال ا. ح. . (2020). Analysis of the Impact of the Financial Crisis on the Prices of Computers and their Accessories: : An Applied Study of a Sample of Shops and Companies Operating in the City of Erbil for the Year 2017. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(2), 177-189.



Research Articles