The Role of the University’s Organizational Identity on Creativity Among the Teaching Staff

An Explorative Study of the Views of a Sample of Members of Academic Staff Members in the Colleges of the University of Duhok


  • Dr. Hadi Kh. Ismael Central of scientific research / Duhok polytechnic university/ Kurdistan region of Iraq
  • Dr. Green M. Khalid Department of Business Administration / College of Administration and Economics – university of Duhok / Kurdistan region of Iraq



University organizational identity, centrality, distinctiveness, continuity, creativity among the teaching staff


The aim of the current research is to diagnose the role of the university organizational identity represented by
its features: centrality, distinctiveness, and continuity in achieving creativity among the teaching staff. The researchers used the
descriptive analytical approach, which depends on describing, studying, analyzing, and exiting fixed facts with specific results to
provide solutions to the research problem, while the statistical analyzes of the data were carried out using the statistical software (SPSS version (22). The research concluded with a set of conclusions, including that the organizational identity of the university affected morally and positively the innovation of the teaching staff, and that the feature of continuity is ranked first among the features of the university organizational identity in terms of its contribution to achieving creativity among the teaching staff. Based on the conclusions, a number of proposals were presented, including the need to enhance the university organizational identity, as it contributes positively to the achievement of creativity among the teaching staff, and Provide adequate support for teaching staff to motivate them to be creative in teaching methods, scientific production and community service activities.


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How to Cite

إسماعيل د. ه. خ. ., & خالد د. ﮔ. م. خ. ئ. (2023). The Role of the University’s Organizational Identity on Creativity Among the Teaching Staff : An Explorative Study of the Views of a Sample of Members of Academic Staff Members in the Colleges of the University of Duhok. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 837-847.



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