The Challenges of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Foreign Policy in Central Asia


  • Mr. Tahseen W. Abdulla International Relations department, College of Law, knowledge University, Erbil
  • Mr. Ahmed B. Ahmed International Relations & Diplomacy department, College of Law &International Relations, Lebanese French University, Erbil



Iran, Central Asia, Foreign Policy


The dissolution of the former Soviet republics and the emergence of Muslim states on Iran's northern borders are seen as a great opportunity for Tehran. In fact, the Central Asian states officially considered themselves part of the Islamic world. Several countries in the region incorporated Islamic symbols into their flags and all joined the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and became members of the "then called the Conference of Cooperation of Islamic States. The adherence of the Central Asian states to the identity of Islam indicates their willingness to cooperate with the dominant forces of the Islamic world. Iran's efforts to portray itself as the leader of the Islamic world are aimed at establishing its hegemony in Central Asia, but it is not the only country striving for this goal.


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How to Cite

عبدالله ت. و. ., & احمد ا. ب. . (2023). The Challenges of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Foreign Policy in Central Asia. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 220-229.



Research Articles