Social Consequences of Coronavirus in Society

Field study in the Kurdistan Region During the Coronavirus Pandemic (wave 4)


  • Dr. Parwin A. Muhammad Department of Sociology/College of Humanities/Sulaimani University
  • Dr. Taban Kh. Ahmed Department of Chemistry/ College of Education/ Sulaimani University
  • Shnoh H. Abdulsamad Ministry of Education



Social Consequences, Corona, Society,


Coronavirus is a global health pandemic that has had different consequences on human life. The aim of this study is to present the social consequences of the coronavirus in the Kurdistan Region, and to identify the consequences of the epidemic on individuals in that society. Using both symbolic interaction and social exchange theories, data were collected from 462 people randomly by distributing the survey questionnaire in Google Forms in September 2021. The results showed that the coronavirus had social, behavioral, cultural and educational consequences; It has weakened social interaction between individuals and social capital of all kinds, only positively strengthening family relationships. The coronavirus has caused many different behaviors among individuals such as social isolation and changes in eating and drinking behaviors, such as drinking water and eating fruits and domestic products have increased at different rates. At the same time, the coronavirus has caused a decline in the level of education (education) in educational institutions, with weak motivation to study and deviant behavior among students. Although the epidemic has had a cultural impact on the professions of students, teachers and businessmen.


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How to Cite

محمد د. أ. ., أحمد د. ت. خ. ‌., & عبدالصمد ش. ح. . (2023). Social Consequences of Coronavirus in Society : Field study in the Kurdistan Region During the Coronavirus Pandemic (wave 4). Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 588-609.



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