The Effect of Using the International Auditing Standard 220/ (Quality Control of Auditing the Financial Statements) in Reducing the Expectations Gap.

An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of External Auditors in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq


  • Nargiz A. Omar Department of Accounting, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences / Koya University, Kurdistan, Iraq
  • Delr M. Ahmed Accounting Department, College of Business and Economics/ Salahaddin University_Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq



International Auditing Standard (220), the expectations gap


The study aims to demonstrate the effect of using the International Standard on Auditing (220) related to quality control in reducing the expectations gap. The researcher relied on the analytical descriptive approach to obtain sufficient and accurate information on the impact of using the International Standard on Auditing (220) related to quality control in reducing the expectations gap in the Kurdistan Region / Iraq, by relying on both the theoretical and practical sides. For the theoretical side, the researcher relied on books and references in accounting literature, studies, research, and articles that reinforce the current study. On the applied level, the researcher relied on distributing questionnaires to a sample of external auditors in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The study population consisted of a number of auditors working in audit offices in the Kurdistan region / Iraq. The study concluded that there is an effect of using the International Auditing Standard 220 in reducing the expectations gap, and that the gap between what the users of the financial statements expect from the auditing profession and the auditing profession in its realistic form is a real problem facing auditors and the auditing profession in general for a long time, and this problem still exists to To this day, the researcher presented some recommendations, the most important of which is that the problem of expectations gap must be analyzed and described accurately because it is considered one of the most dangerous issues that direct the auditing profession and affects the decisions of users of financial statements. Ensure that companies and auditing offices must adhere to auditing standards when carrying out auditing tasks.


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How to Cite

عمر ن. ع. ., & أحمد د. م. . . (2023). The Effect of Using the International Auditing Standard 220/ (Quality Control of Auditing the Financial Statements) in Reducing the Expectations Gap. : An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of External Auditors in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 159-165.



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