Measuring and analyzing the impact of public investment spending on reducing unemployment rates in Iraq during the period (2006-2017)


  • Lava A. Ibrahim Department of Economics, College of Administration and Economics, University of Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan, Iraq
  • Ezat S. Esmaeel Department of Economics, College of Administration and Economics, University of Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan, Iraq



Public investment spending, Unemployment, Public spending, Iraq


Public investment spending is one of the leading economic variables in the process of growth and development in many countries of the world, whether developed or developing. This research aims to study and analyze the impact of public investment spending on the low unemployment rate in Iraq. To achieve this goal, we adopted the standard analytical approach (short-term and long-term estimates based on the available data for the period (2006-2017). Finally, the research reached several conclusions, including that public investment expenditures have an important role in the national economy, especially with regard to reducing the unemployment rate and Creating new job opportunities The research also suggested a set of recommendations, the most important of which is that the government raise the rate of public investments, diversify its fields, and employ local labor instead of foreigners in its projects.


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How to Cite

ابراهیم ل. ئ. ., & اسماعیل ع. ص. . (2022). Measuring and analyzing the impact of public investment spending on reducing unemployment rates in Iraq during the period (2006-2017). Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 209-218.



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