COVID-19 the Cause of Development Crisis

A Theoretical Conceptual Framework for the Impact of COVID-19 as a Cause of Development Crises in Some Developing Countries


  • Abdulkhaleq N. Qader Business administration department, Shaqlawa technical college, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region - Iraq


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Development-crisis, Development-crisis management, Corona virus (COVID-19


With the increasing of environmental changes, countries found themselves facing a torrent of development crises that poured into them, which led to an increase in the challenges that these countries must face on their way towards achieving comprehensive development. Developmental crises continue to appear in various forms and types unexpectedly, or are preceded by some obsessions and signs, and the crisis may become part of the historical legacy of a society, which transferred from generation to generation. The major role in the process of organizing for development crises and find a solution if they occur, and ensuring their demise and the fading of their short and long-term effects, lies on the administrative bodies in any country. Within the main cause of the development crisis, especially in those countries that live in environments full of fluctuations and uncertainties. This study attempts to research the economic, social and security repercussions of the Corona crisis. It is necessary for human and political security to monitor strategies to confront this risky crisis, and many issues have been raised, foremost of which is the indirect causes that have increased the risks of this epidemic. Here are the strategies that helped and assisted in its spread with such intensity and speed, and what are the effects and policies of countries and the international system. This study concluded that despite the pivotal role of some developing countries in facing the Corona crisis through the government support strategy, this role remains limited in effectiveness unless these strategies are largely based on the participatory nature of crisis management at the national, regional and even international levels. The fact that humanity shares the same fate on the one hand, and on the other hand, due to the intertwining of the international system in many areas.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Qader, A. N. . (2022). COVID-19 the Cause of Development Crisis: A Theoretical Conceptual Framework for the Impact of COVID-19 as a Cause of Development Crises in Some Developing Countries. مجلة بولیتكنیك للعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية, 3(2), 48-62.



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