Poetry Between Inheritance and Identity According to Mahmoud Darwish and Abdullah Bashu


  • Reber A. Aziz Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Arts, Soran University
  • Jawan A. Abdula Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Arts, Soran University




Poetry, inherited, identity, Mahmoud Darwish, Abdullah Bashu


Cultural colonialism, through its control of the minds of young people, created empty generations that know nothing about their cultural and civilizational heritage, and therefore generations without an identity, who do not master their mother tongue while they boast of their ability to communicate in different foreign languages. Therefore, it was important to pay attention to this issue and protect the national identity as much as possible, and there is no doubt that this task rests with the intellectuals of every nation in the first place, and since the poets were the best representatives of their people throughout the ages, it was necessary for them to carry this task upon themselves, and indeed it was theirs A prominent role throughout history in protecting the national heritage and identity from fading and extinction. In the world of poetry in particular and literature in general, we have many models, and in this study we will stop at the poetry of two important poets in modern literature who employed a lot of heritage and defended identity in their poetry, namely: Mahmoud Darwish, the Palestinian poet, and Abdullah Bashio, the Kurdish poet. The nature of this study required that it have a theoretical introduction. On modern poetry and the method of its inspiration for heritage and identity, and two topics in which we dealt with the employment of heritage and identity in the poetry of the two poets.


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How to Cite

عزيز ر. ع. . . . . . . . ., & عبدالله ج. ع. (2023). Poetry Between Inheritance and Identity According to Mahmoud Darwish and Abdullah Bashu. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 56-65. https://doi.org/10.25156/ptjhss.v4n2y2023.pp56-65



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