The Role of Kurdish Satellite Channels in the Face of Terrorism


  • Sarah M. Qader Department of Mass Communication, College of Arts, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region - Iraq



Information, Kurdish satellite channels, Terrorism


The mass media is considered one of the most powerful tools of modern communication that helps the recipient audience to cope well with the age and interact with, and it also has an important role in explaining the issues and raising them to the public opinion in order to prepare them medially and in particular, towards the issues concerned with the national security in addition to what happens on the world stage.

The nature and role of mass media in consolidating democracy and promoting the values of political participation and policy decision-making are linked to the philosophy of the system in which it operates to and the degree of freedom that it enjoys within the social structure. From this point, the global and regional information have focused at the beginning of 2011 on the phenomenon of terrorism, extremism and its reflections on the region and the whole world in terms of its nature that had begun since 2012 with development and inclusiveness. The reader of the phenomenon of terrorism and extremism finds that it takes the consideration and attention of peoples, governments around the world because of its serious impressions for the security and stability of the state. The definition of the research problem depended on increasing the interest of phenomenon of terrorism and the interest in an integrated approach that joins the role of the information with security and political treatment to face terrorism and its negative effects at community, as the interest had increased in studying the relation of the dependence on the mass media in general and on satellite channels in particular. The research aims to identify the extent of the activities of news channels on striving terrorism and reduce this phenomenon through comprehensive news coverage of terroristic operations and educate community members to the concept of terrorism, also the extent of the risk of this phenomenon and to reach the measurement of effectiveness of the role of satellite channels in this framework.

Based on the data and results of the theoretical and practical study, the researchers presented a set of proposals that may contribute to clarify the role of mass media in striving the phenomenon of terrorism and extremism from the viewpoint of faculty members at the University of Salah-Aldin, and as follows:  Establishing practical strategic mechanisms to confront the cataclysm of terrorism, extremism, reduce, follow-up and eliminate them; The necessity of adopting objective Kurdish mass media in dealing with various issues and problems.


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How to Cite

قادر س. م. (2022). The Role of Kurdish Satellite Channels in the Face of Terrorism. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(2), 32-39.



Research Articles