دور القيــادة الرنانة في تحقيق الاداء الابداعي


  • شاكۆ اسماعیل حاجی Department of Administration and Accounting, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Koya University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • د. دالیا خالد فائق Department of Administration and Accounting, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Koya University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



الكلمات المفتاحية:

القيادة الرنانة، الأداء الابداعي، التدریسیین، جامعة كوية/ قظاء كوية/ محافظة اربيل– اقليم كوردستان- العراق



The current research seeks to determine the nature of the relationship between resonant leadership and some of its dimensions as an independent variable (mercy, hope, acumen) and creative performance and some of its dimensions as a follower variable (generating the idea, applying the idea, promoting the idea) at Koya University in Koya district/Erbil province/Kurdistan region, Iraq. To achieve the goal, the current research used the descriptive analytical approach based on the questionnaire consisting of (27) questions that the researchers distributed (350) questionnaires to a number of triceans at the University of Koya and the number of questionnaires recovered (4) questionnaires, while the questionnaires valid for statistical analysis amounted to (252) questionnaires.

The research has found that there is a positive and moral effect of resonant leadership and its dimensions in the variable of creative performance and its dimensions, which confirms the ability of The University of Koya to achieve creative performance by activating the relationship between these two variables in the field side. Based on the conclusions, the research recommended the need to seek to understand and understand the difference between different leadership patterns, especially the resonant driving pattern, and how they affect subordinate attitudes, values and behaviors.



بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.



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كيفية الاقتباس

حاجی ش. ا. ., & فائق د. د. خ. . (2023). دور القيــادة الرنانة في تحقيق الاداء الابداعي. مجلة بولیتكنیك للعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية, 4(1), 610-634. https://doi.org/10.25156/ptjhss.v4n1y2023.pp610-634



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