Analysis of pictures in the book (Kurdish Reading - Primary Stage) according to the grammar theory of picture reading - Kress and van Leeuwen


  • Sarwar S. Saleh University of Charmo, College of Applied Linguistics, Department of Kurdish Language
  • Azad A. Sleman Salahaddin University, College of Basic Education, Department of Kurdish Language



Picture reading grammar, representational meaning, interactive meaning, framing , Kurdish reading book


Taking advantage of Halliday's task method, Kress and van Leeuwen  were able to develop a new and effective method called the grammar of image reading. They openly claim that just as grammar helps the reader to understand complex sentences, it plays an important role in understanding because it reveals all the aspects that remain hidden in the picture. Accordingly, they invented three types of meanings, namely (representational meaning, interactive meaning and framing) through which they reveal the hidden aspects of the image and leave a positive impact on understanding among the audience-student. The aim of writing this research is to analyze all three books (Kurdish reading – basic stage- second cycle (fourth, fifth, sixth grades) according to this method. The results of the research show that the evaluation and analysis of book images according to all three meanings (representational, interactive, framing), are worthy of criticism and have shortcomings and have not been able to convey a more effective role in conveying meaning to the audience. Especially in terms of the distribution of the participants and characters in the pictures and comparing the pictures with the texts of the book, as well as the camera angle of the pictures shows that there are weaknesses.


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How to Cite

صاڵح س. س. ., & سلیمان ئ. ع. (2023). Analysis of pictures in the book (Kurdish Reading - Primary Stage) according to the grammar theory of picture reading - Kress and van Leeuwen. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 13-19.



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