The Role of Employee Empowerment Strategy in Achieving Competitive Advantage


  • Dr. Barzo H. Sulaiman Department of Labor Administration, Erbil Technical Institute of Management, Erbil Polytechnic University- Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Trends, students, religious discourse, specialized religious satellite channels.



    The study has focused on the role of the strategy of empowerment in competitive advantage it attempts to present a modern theoretical framework of the studies of the writers of researchers about study variable, and a practical framework of the opinions of a selected sample. This strategy has been considered as an independent variable including its dimensions (sharing with information, freedom and independence, knowledge ownership, Team work, and rewards). This strategy gets now a great deal of attention in spite of its historical roots as one of the most important strategies in human resources administration which represents a significant strategically partner in the organization general strategy.

   The competitive advantage has been considered as a dependent variable which has become a fatal necessity as a response to environmental changings and to cope with external environment. As aresnt it has been necessary to define the most important demands which enable the organization to achieving progress of development through establishing organization capable of changing and progressing.

   The study is objected to answer several inquiries related first to the conceptual and application problem, and second to test the hypothesis relating the independent and dependent variable.

   The study has been conducted on a sample of (164) personnel of Salahaddin lecturers, using a questionnaire as a main tool to collect the required data in the field side. Several statistical tools has been used to test the hypotheses depending on (statistical bauds of social sciences) (spss) software.

   The results proved the validity of most hypotheses and several conclusions have been reached, mainly related to the importance of empowerment strategy in achieving the competitive advantage.

    Several recommendations have been reached related to encourage the faculties under study to pay a great deal of attention to empowerment strategy of competitive advantage. Some useful suggestions have been presented concerning the future studies.


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How to Cite

سليمان د. ه. س. (2023). The Role of Employee Empowerment Strategy in Achieving Competitive Advantage. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 30-49.



Research Articles