The Role of Empowering Workers in Promoting the Marketing of Health Services

An Analytical Study of the Opinions of Workers in a Sample of Private Hospitals in the City of Erbil / Kurdistan Region of Iraq


  • Ahlam I. Wali College of Business and Economics / Salahaddin University - Erbil
  • Suhaela B. Hamad Department of Business Administration, Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences, Koya University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



employee empowerment strategy, marketing services, private hospitals in the city of Erbil


Objective: The aim of the research is to analyze the relationship and impact of a variable empowering workers in a sample of private hospitals, represented by its dimensions, sharing information, possessing knowledge, freedom and independence, work teams, rewards), in the dimensions of marketing healthy teats, represented by health services, nailing services, promoting teats, distributing services, individuals. physical evidence, operations). General framework: The general framework of the study is represented by the problem of the study, which is determined by raising several questions about the nature of the correlation, rotation, and variance between the independent variable (employment empowerment and the dependent variable (service marketing). All of them were for multiple tests, and the questionnaire was adopted as a means to obtain data. Methodology of the study: The current study followed the descriptive analytical approach, where the main and sub-variables were described, and then the correlation and influence relationships between the variables were analyzed. The study population is represented by all the (25) private hospitals in the city of Erbil. An intentional group was selected from these hospitals as a sample for the study, and their number was (8 ) hospitals The employees in the study sample hospitals represent the responding individuals and their number reached (107).The hypotheses were tested through the application of statistical methods by the computer program (22.SPSS V). Conclusions And Suggestion: The study reached a set of main conclusions, including the existence of a positive moral correlation at the macro and micro levels between the Change the study from the point of view of workers in the hospitals under study, and one of the most prominent proposals made by the study is the need to strengthen the relationships and influence between the two variables and invest them to serve the surveyed hospitals.


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How to Cite

ولي أ. إ. ., & حمد س. ب. . (2023). The Role of Empowering Workers in Promoting the Marketing of Health Services: An Analytical Study of the Opinions of Workers in a Sample of Private Hospitals in the City of Erbil / Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 539-565.



Research Articles