Inspirational Leadership and its Role in Achieving Outstanding Performance:

An Exploratory Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Managers and Officials of the People and Administrative Units of a Group of Government Departments in Dukan District


  • Omer M. Mohammed Department Administration, Dukan Technical Institute, Sulaymaniyah Polytechnic University, Sulaymaniyah. Iraq



: inspirational leadership; outstanding performance; strategic foresight; Government departments in Dukan District


 Effective leadership has always been the cornerstone of the success of any organization, but with the development of the business world, the ability to inspire others has become increasingly important, especially to achieve outstanding performance at all levels of management. Inspirational leadership is about using the right methods at the right time towards achieving the desired results for business organizations. However, there are certain scenarios and dimensions in which inspirational leadership is of particular value towards achieving outstanding performance for these organizations, taking into account the needs and motivations of those you are leading. Accordingly, this study came to provide insight by verifying the role that inspirational leadership can play in achieving outstanding performance among managers, divisional officials and units. For that purpose, a questionnaire was distributed among the government officials in administrative positions in Dukan District, Sulaimanya, Iraq, and 60 of them were returned. Based on a hypothetical scheme that takes into account the direction of the relationship between a group of dimensions addressed by the current study of inspiring leadership and achieving outstanding performance. The study adopted descriptive analysis to explore the opinions of the study sample. Firstly, previous literature regarding inspirational leadership was reviewed, then statistical methods were used to analyze the results and test hypotheses. Accordingly, several recommendations were presented, most notably the need for the surveyed organizations to pay attention to building and empowering their leaders and the public to enable them to perform and accomplish their work in an outstanding manner.


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How to Cite

محمد ع. (2022). Inspirational Leadership and its Role in Achieving Outstanding Performance: : An Exploratory Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Managers and Officials of the People and Administrative Units of a Group of Government Departments in Dukan District. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 98-111.



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