The Mediation Effect of Customer Satisfaction on The Relationship Between Service Marketing Mix, Service Orientation, and The Service Quality and Customer Loyalty:

A Case Study of The Customers of Mobile Phone Provider in Erbil/ Kurdistan


  • زرار محسن محمد Department of Business Administration, Soran Technical College, Erbil Polytechnic University, Kurdistan Region-Iraq
  • سیروان لەتیف حاجى Department of Business Administration, Soran Technical College, Erbil Polytechnic University, Kurdistan Region-Iraq
  • عبدالخالق نادر قادر Department of Business Administration, Shaqlawa Technical College, Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil, Iraq , Kurdistan Region-Iraq


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Customer Satisfaction, Service Marketing Mix, Service Orientation, Service Quality, Customer Loyalty, Erbil, Kurdistan


This study examines the mediation effect of customer Satisfaction on the relationship between service marketing mix, service orientation, service quality, and customer loyalty using a case study of clients of a mobile phone carrier in In Iraq Kurdistan Region.. In this study, the product categories of mobile phone services, which have a variety of items on the market, used. The mobile phone service provider's goods for mobile phone services with various characteristics were the research objects in this study. In 2020, the research sample included all Erbil-resident mobile phone users. The population in this study was unbounded because it was impossible to determine the exact number of clients. Two hundred people took part in the survey. In this study, the structural equation model (SEM) analysis method was used, and the Partial least Squares (PLS) approach was used to analyze and test the study model. The application of the service marketing mix, service orientation, and service quality by the company shows that not all factors can immediately affect customer loyalty; instead, they must first affect customer satisfaction. This means that in order to build customer loyalty, a company must first understand what its customers need by considering the service marketing mix, service orientation, and service quality. This accomplished by tracking customer satisfaction levels. To increase customer satisfaction and loyalty to mobile phone carrier services, particularly in Erbil, the service quality of the mobile phone sector must be improved. This paper is distinguished by the following features: (1) the Sobel test-based mediation effect of customer satisfaction on the impact of service quality, service orientation, and the service marketing mix on customer loyalty; and (2) the research site mobile phone Services in Erbil, Kurdistan, where no previous studies investigated this connection.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Mohammed , Z. M., Haji, S. L. ., & Qadar, A. N. . (2022). The Mediation Effect of Customer Satisfaction on The Relationship Between Service Marketing Mix, Service Orientation, and The Service Quality and Customer Loyalty:: A Case Study of The Customers of Mobile Phone Provider in Erbil/ Kurdistan. مجلة بولیتكنیك للعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية, 3(2), 155-163.



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