Lnclusive Leadership and its Relationship to Job Autonomy

“An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Employees of Telecommunications Companies in Iraq”


  • Media A. Mohammed Saeed Department of Business Administration, College of Administration and Economics, University of Sulaymaniyah, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Ava O. Fatah Department of Marketing Management, College of Administration and Economics, University of Sulaymaniyah, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region of Iraq




Inclusive Leadership, Diversity, Inclusion in the Workplace, Functional Independence, Communications Companies.


The importance of telecommunications companies in the current day appears tremendously, especially after the rapid development of information systems, and has become an important resource of national income for all countries of the world, Organizations are now moving towards adapting to environmental changes and meeting the needs and desires of working individuals as they represent the intellectual capital of the organization and the ability of these organizations to formalize the concepts of job autonomy in the organization and this has become a decisive factor in enhancing the intrinsic motivation of employees and their job satisfaction. job autonomy is the freedom to choose Work methods of job performance and sequence of work activities that may specifically increase the employee's self-development and enable them to allocate their time and energy to work independently ,and Determining the frequency of interactions with others and generating ideas, and the presence of inclusive leadership in the organization contributes to providing the opportunity for functional participation for all working individuals while creating a stimulating environment for them that enables them to achieve the goals of the organization, and that the ultimate goal of this style of leadership is to achieve full participation at the group and individual levels. Today, organizations must be flexible in dealing with individuals, and the main research problem revolves around asking what is the nature of the relationship between inclusive leadership and job autonomy? The cognitive aspect of each of the variables of the research is highlighted, thus achieving the goal of the research, which is defining the leaders of the telecommunications companies with the concepts of inclusive leadership and providing a theoretical framework that contributes to highlighting the concepts of job autonomy and the extent of their practice by the respondent employees,(429) questionnaires were distributed to a sample of employees of Iraqi telecommunications companies, and in order to test the research hypothesis, the statistical program (SPSSV.26) was used. Work scheduling autonomy, work style autonomy, remote work autonomy for workers in those companies and vice versa, Based on this, the researchers suggested that the leaders should work continuously to diagnose the opportunities in the internal and external environments that help employees to achieve job autonomy and through the development of procedures and programs to achieve this goal and consider this as one of the fields of achieving the goal of their employees.


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How to Cite

محمد سعيد م. ا. ., & فتاح ئ. ع. . . (2023). Lnclusive Leadership and its Relationship to Job Autonomy: “An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Employees of Telecommunications Companies in Iraq”. Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 314-331. https://doi.org/10.25156/ptjhss.v4n1y2023.pp314-331



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