The Impact of Internal Marketing Dimensions in Achieving Marketing Excellence for Commercial Banks in the City of Erbil (Bikhal Bank as a model)


  • Delawar J. Ghareeb Marketing Management Department, Administrative Technical Institute, Erbil, Erbil Technical University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • Ravaz M. Saleh Taher Department of Accounting, Administrative Technical Institute, Erbil, Erbil Technical University, Kurdistan Region of Iraq



internal marketing, marketing excellence, marketing creativity


This research seeks to know the extent to which private banks are aware of the dimensions of internal marketing and their impact on the performance of banks to be distinguished in marketing, and that the internal marketing function is concerned with employees and considers them internal customers within an internal market via (SPSS), such for a questionnaire was distributed to obtain the data and its size which was (70) employees of (Bikhal Bank),  The results indicated that there is a positive significant correlation between the dimensions of internal marketing and marketing excellence, as well as the presence of an impact on the dimensions of internal marketing and marketing excellence. Among the most important recommendations reached by the research (the necessity of activating the development and training processes for all employees of the bank, including its importance in achieving marketing excellence and its positive impact on the bank’s performance, and that training allows employees to participate in information, ideas and problems).


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How to Cite

غريب د. ج., & صالح طاهر ر. م. . (2023). The Impact of Internal Marketing Dimensions in Achieving Marketing Excellence for Commercial Banks in the City of Erbil (Bikhal Bank as a model). Polytechnic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 290 - 299. - 299



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